Instruction for you about the Guard System

How To Support you

Will support you for ever, check Support method from: HERE

Kindly Notes:

Chapter 1: Step by Step Manual :

Some customer don't want to watch video, Can directly check manual from HERE

Chapter 2: Video and Materials Link:

2.1. Video Guide:

2.1.1 For the software video, check video from:

 Stage1 Video



2.1.2 For how to insert wand into download station, check below two video(It's reliable iButton system, need to insert closely so that downloader can communication to read):

2.2. Software/USB Driver Main Steps(Important):

2.2.1 Download/install USB driver from:

Firstly EXTRACT it to a new folder(Find downloead zip file, right click mouse on it and extract all)

The Related guide video is

Enter that new folder:

a. If your computer is 64 bit system, install: CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe (normally install this)

b. If your computer is 32 bit system, install: CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe

2.2.2 Download the English software from:

Firstly right click mouse on it, EXTRACT  to a new folder then run the setup file.

2.2.3 Download Spanish software from:

Then run the setup file.

2.2.4  When the software start, as below, press "OK" Directly.

Chapter 3. Trouble shooting Tips:

Chapter 4. Want to have more patrol wand reader for different guard man or more checkpoint button

I will support you for ever with my nearly 20 years experience.

1. If you prefer email, I will do email support.

2. If you want phone support, I can call you( Please tell me your phone number)

3. Also can do teamviewer support to remotely connect to your computer to guide you, to provide live training and support for you.