Strike Lock Instruction for your Control System

How To Support you:

- Will support you for ever, check Support method(Email us or Skype) from: HERE

- For hardware wire, please follow our picture; For software sidewe can do all for you remotely by live support if you need help.

- If you need other installer to install for you and don't know how find them, can google search: "locksmith near me”or search "locksmith + your own city name". 

- Below Chapter 8 is detail trouble shooting guide, also send me email freely for any question.

Freely contact me for any question,  please don't return directly, I do this job carefully and professionally to support my family.

1.Please Firstly Check Below Video:

    We bring value to a lot projects during the past 20 years, also save a lot cost for many customers.If any problem, please don't return directly, that will bring big loss to me. I do support with my heart, Contact me for solution for your any question.

    2.Hardware Connection:

    Suggestion: I'd suggest setting up the device on a table and make sure basic  functions before installation, Begin and focus on one door firstly.

    2.1  Video Need Check Firstly to power on Panel:

    2.2 Connect the Door Reader:

    2.3 Connect Door strike lock:

    • [For 4-Door Control Board's Lock] 
      • Check the Wire Picture from HERE.
    • --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • [For 2-Door Control Board's Lock] 
    • -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • [For Single-Door Control Board's Lock] 
    • -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • Check the Strike Lock Install Guide and DEMO from:


    2.4 Connect the Exit Button or Motion Sensor:

    3.Software Programming:

    3.1  Software download from below link:

    Kindly NoteThe downloaded file is .zip compressed file, please right click mouse on it,  extract All  to a new folder firstly.

    Software support: win7/win8/win10/win11 both 32 and 64 bit system, run the related setup file to install, Also, you can run N3000.exe directly without run setup file.

    Password of software:

          account: abc

          password: 123

    3.2 Software Quick video and Manual: 



    If you have USB Desktop reader, check this video:

    3.3  Can also open door from software

    3.4  Quick Trouble Shooting, follow:

    3.5. Phone app to open door:

    3.6  Complete Manual from:

    We bring value to a lot projects during the past 20 years, also save a lot cost for many customers.If any problem, please don't return directly, that will bring big loss to me. I do support with my heart, Contact me for solution for your any question.

    4.Backup Your System:

    In case that you replace computer or computer is corrupted, It's Higly recommended to do a backup after all programming job done, guide from Here.

    5.Check Wire diagram Big Picture and Manual Directly

    5.1 Wire connection big picture from below link( for 1/2/4 door Control Panel):

    5.2 Software Manual from:

    7.Advanced Control Features.

    If you want to implement such as below features, please Kindly check below link:

    If you need simple controller without software, it’s just allow/deny access and no above advance functions, please let us know and we can ship to you FREELY.

    8.Useful Trouble shooting tips if can't Open Lock.

    Please check from:

    Quick version

    Complete version

    I will support you for ever with my over 20 years experience.

    1. If you prefer email, I will do email support.

    2. If you want phone support, I can call you( Please tell me your phone number)

    3. Also can do teamviewer support to remotely connect to your computer to guide you, to provide live training and support for you.

    How To Support you

    Will support you for ever, check Support method(Email us or Skype) from: HERE

    We provide detail Step by Step video guide/diagram so that you can setup easily.

    - For hardware wire, please follow our picture; For software sidewe can do all for you remotely by live support if you need help.

    - If you need other installer to install for you and don't know how find them, can google search: "locksmith near me”or search "locksmith + your own city name".